Find Your Teaching Voice, Believe In Yourself & Support Others In Their Transformation

The Apprenticeship

HoopYogini™ Online Yoga Teacher Training

The Inner Circle Facilitator Program

"I believe paths cross for a reason, 1000%. I believe you and HoopYogini played a huge part in this transformation. Last night in session, my psychiatrist said she thinks I've made more progress in the past two weeks than in the past 17 years she's been seeing me. I look forward to learning from you further. A million thank you’s. You are helping me slay the dragon."
Bailey Zemborrow - Trauma-Informed Therapist, HoopYogini Certified Instructor
"Today, I am incredibly grateful for my HoopYogini experience that I challenged myself to step into a more mindful, enjoyable lifestyle through daily practice. I wouldn't be where I am today without HoopYogini and my self-compassion."
Erynn Eveland, HoopYogini Teacher in Training
Embodied Self-Care Chart & Presencing Meditation Download Free
Reduce anxiety, tune into your innate body wisdom and nourish your divine creative nature (your fertility!)
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